About Kauai’s First Surf School
Kauai Beach Boys are preserving and honoring the Golden Age of surfing, steeped in tradition from the 50’s and 60’s and the beach boy legacy of love of the ocean and sharing of Aloha.
The original Kalapaki Beach Boy, Percy Kinimaka, surfed, paddled, played music and shared his aloha on the very same beach we call home today.
Though there will never be another Percy Kinimaka, his legacy and that of all the Hawaiian Beach Boys are the foundation of everything we do. Under the same ownership since 1983, Kauai Beach Boys is Kauai’s original surf school and beach concession, located at the Kauai Marriott formerly the Kauai Surf.

The original Kauai Beach Boy, Percy Kinimaka at the Kauai Surf in the 1950’s and 60’s.
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